Art has been known by people from an early age or while sitting in elementary school. However, do you know what art really means and what is the role of art in human life?
In general, art which is one of the elements of culture is known in the world of education as the development of children's creativity and imagination.
So what is the real meaning of art? Here's the review.
Definition and Role of Art in Human Life:
A. Definition of Art
Quoting the book "Learning Fine Arts for Early Childhood" by Lisa Aditya Dwiwansyah Musa, M.Pd and Pertiwi Kamariah Hasis, M.Pd, art is the result of expressing a sense of beauty, happiness, sadness, which can be in the form of paintings, pictures, sculptures, etc.
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While the meaning of the word "art" comes from the word sani which means a noble soul or sincerity of the soul. Meanwhile, according to the study of science in Europe, art means more or less the manufacture of goods or works that express feelings.
The various genres of art include:
1. Classicism, also known as neoclassism, is a school of art, building, spatial planning, and literature that refers to an antique or classic form of the 18th century.
2. Naturalism, seeks to apply honest, accurate, and similar views so that it looks natural.
3. Realism, is a flow that raises the daily events of many people or the wider community.
4. Expressionism, is an art genre that prioritizes the expression of the artist's soul in a creation, not from imitating the natural world.
5. Impressionism, is a school that bases the creation of works from what is lived and seen based on lighting and the process of color occurrence.
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B. The Role of Art in Human Life
In the book "Learning Fine Arts in Elementary School" by Yunisrul explained, history has recorded that art plays several roles in human life. Many relics or works of art from prehistoric times until now show their role in human life, such as:
1. Art as Necessity
In meeting the needs of life, humans usually equip themselves with various tools and equipment as support or equipment to perfect their work. Some of these tools and equipment include religious ceremonial tools, household equipment, and other necessities in daily activities.
Even since prehistoric times, humans have succeeded in creating tools to meet these needs such as bats, spears, bows, ancestral statues, and idols.
Until now humans have been able to serve art for the needs and needs of society such as in the industrial and commercial fields.
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2. Art as Therapy, Expression, and Communication
The role of art as a means of therapy, expression and communication, especially theories that discuss the role of art in the psychological sphere or in terms of psychology.
This is usually explained by the theory that considers art can be used as a means of medicine and a means of entertainment or relaxation.
For example, humans create, paint, sculpt, design, compose songs, compose poetry or rhymes, create dramas, and so on which are designated for entertainment purposes or to relax releasing everything in their minds.
Another role is that art is used as a means of solace. Through art man expresses his emotional experiences for the sake of gratification or a miraculous cure and escape. That is the meaning of art and its role in human life. Do you like art?